Calling mothers who run a business from home!

Are you feeling pulled in different directions trying to do it all?

Learn tips to run a successful business from home while raising empowered children, without losing yourself in the process.

Are you ready to make the shift?

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It's time to end the overwhelm!

Included in this workshop, you will be guided to:

  • anchor into your own divine power so you can be heard and respected

  • learn a new way to organise business and lifestyle

  • learn strategies to take action in business while raising children and being more present as a mother.

Who am I and why am I hosting this workshop?

Hi, I'm Avalon and the photo above is me with my son, Zenon.

As a homeschooling mum with 5 children in a blended family, I've been running my own business from home for over a decade with children around, and now I help other mums to grow your business in a way that feels good in your heart, while also raising connected, empowered children too.

Back in 2019, with the fires burning down the east coast of Australia, we had ashes falling in our front yard and my bank account was down to less than $20. I was frustrated, burnt out and overwhelmed.

To make matters worse, I'd recently invested in a business coach and realised her approach did not align with my values or lifestyle, so I pulled out of the program and had spent weeks crying, feeling lost and confused, as my bank account got lower and lower.

I was not willing to hustle, or hang out on social media all day, or neglect my children! I knew there had to be another way.

I literally got on my knees, crying and praying to the universe to guide me.

What happened that day was a fundamental shift in how I showed up for myself, my business and my family.

By putting this new approach into practice, I received over $20,000 dollars by the end of that month, and over $100k in sales that year, and felt more deeply aligned with my purpose and soul mission than ever before.

This is a whole new approach to business, weaving together sacred feminine wisdom, deep embodied aliveness and taking guided action aligned with your heart and purpose.

This call is especially for you if you are tired of feeling stretched and overwhelmed, and ready to embrace true sovereignty and lifestyle freedom on your terms.

If you'd like to learn more, and be guided in an activation to anchor into your feminine power to flourish in business while also being deeply connected with your children, sign up and get all the details.

I look forward to seeing you there!

Avalon x

Access Make the Shift

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